Scott Sedam
Scott Sedam
TrueNorth Consulting - MiTek Plymouth, Michigan
Scott Sedam is Principal of TrueNorth Consulting - a Mitek Service, an internationally known consulting and training firm focused exclusively on the building industry. Now in its 28th year with a staff of five field consultants, TrueNorth was acquired by MiTek, a major industry supplier of offsite component materials, machinery, and industry-leading software. TrueNorth has conducted consulting projects and training workshops with more than 3000 builder, supplier & trade clients in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Mexico. TrueNorth’s LeanBuilding™ processes have saved clients more than $500 million, demonstrating clearly how to improve product & process while enhancing builder, supplier, and trade relationships. Scott’s presentations are a popular feature at industry conferences and company meetings. For 27 years, Scott served as a contributing editor for Professional Builder Magazine where his column has received multiple writing awards. He is a passionate advocate of the application of Lean Methods as the one way to reduce cost without the collateral damage that inhibits long-term growth and success. Scott is the longest-serving examiner for the National Housing Quality Award, a past examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Home Building Institute (HBI) that is leading the way toward rebuilding the American trade base. Contact Scott at 248.390.0773 or email:[email protected]
Where you can find Scott Sedam during IBS:
Design Lean to Build Lean: Next Level Value Engineering to Improve Product & Profit