FEB 17-19, 2026 | ORLANDO, FL
FEB 17-19, 2026

Press FAQs

Featuring the co-location of the NAHB International Builders’ Show and NKBA’s Kitchen & Bath Industry Show, Design & Construction Week will bring together nearly 110,000 building industry professionals from around the globe.

Complimentary editorial press registration is available to qualified journalists (reporters, editors, freelance writers, bloggers, news photographers, producers and production companies taping for a show in current production and booked to air on a recognized network, etc.) who are solely covering the show in an editorial capacity and represent a recognized media outlet.

Non-editorial/Paid Press is available for marketing, public relations, advertising, sales, publishers, book authors, book editors and other non-editorial employees of a media organization who plan to engage in any sales or marketing activities. Satellite media tours (paid or unpaid) are strictly prohibited.

Please note that all press registrations will be reviewed and are subject to approval. Additional information or supporting verification may be required before press credentials will be provided. NAHB and NKBA reserve the right to deny any press applicant if sufficient credentials are not provided.

Register for Press Credentials

Print and Online Media:

Reporters, editors and other editorial staff from a print or online media outlet must be able to show either a masthead from a current print publication listing you as an editorial contact, or supply a bylined article published within the last quarter.


Freelance writers must provide a bylined article that was published within the six months prior to registration. Additionally, to qualify for press credentials they must have written a minimum of three published articles within the last year in an accredited media outlet.

Still Photographers:

Photographers must submit a letter or email from the news organization they are representing describing what they have been hired to cover. Emails must come from the assigning editor's corporate email account. Generic email addresses (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) will not be accepted.


Press registration for bloggers and other online media outlets will be considered on a case-by-case basis by NAHB and NKBA.

  • To be considered for press credentials, the blog must have been established prior to Design & Construction Week, must be independently hosted and regularly updated with original and current housing/design news for a minimum of a year.
  • The industry-related blog must adhere to a standard of professional responsibility regulating institutional journalism, such as editing, fact-checking and disclosure of conflicts of interest.
  • The blogger must have posted a bylined housing industry piece within two months prior to registering for Design & Construction Week and show a history of at least 12 new bylined posts within a six month period.
  • Company branded blogs and those affiliated with a service, product or other type of business will not be considered.
  • YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr sites, personal blogs, communities, forums and user groups will not be considered.
  • Press registrants must disclose any conflict of interest. Credentialed media are prohibited from engaging in a pay-for-play arrangement or any other type of financial compensation that may influence their coverage.
  • Applicants must be able to supply, upon request, a recent monthly web traffic report from an external demographic tool such as Google Analytics, verifying the publication or blog receives a minimum of 1,000 unique monthly visitors.

Production Companies:

Production companies must pre-register under the policy on taping during Design & Construction Week and may not register on-site. Production crews and broadcast media should refer to the Policy Regarding Production Groups and Taping During Design & Construction Week for a complete list of requirements.

In-house Publication Employees:

In-house newsletter writers, book authors, book editors and publishers do not qualify as working press.


Publishers must register as Non-Editorial/Paid Press. However, publishers who also work in an editorial capacity for their publication may be considered for complimentary press credentials by demonstrating a regular history of bylined articles written for the publication. Publishers will be granted credentials at the discretion of NAHB and NKBA.

Public Relations Activities Prohibited:

It is the policy of NAHB and NKBA to require all persons requesting complimentary press credentials to disclose, in advance, whether they will be conducting any business other than reporting while at Design & Construction Week. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Requesting/receiving any form of compensation in exchange for the promotion of products, goods or services at IBS or KBIS.
  • Discussing opportunities for exhibitors to advertise in the representing publication.
  • Conducting appointments between exhibitors and publication representatives for further on- or off-site business dealings.
  • Engaging in any sales, marketing or public relations capacity at the show.

Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, marketing and sales of satellite tours for or by on-air talent, producers and/or production staff, and marketing and sales of ad space for any publication of any kind by reporters, editors and/or photographers. It is an inherent conflict for a journalist to perform public relations work, paid or unpaid.

Anyone found conducting non-approved activities without prior, written consent from NAHB and NKBA may have their credentials revoked. Individuals solely engaged in sales, marketing or any type of "pay-for-play" activities, qualify as non-editorial press and must register for an attendee registration for IBS or KBIS.

If you have any questions about the policies included herein, or need specific information about IBS, please contact Stephanie Pagan or Liz Thompson. For questions specific to KBIS, please contact [email protected].

Tuesday, February 25 through Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 9 AM – 5 PM daily.

For questions about press at IBS or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Stephanie Pagan
Director, Media Relations
[email protected]

Liz Thompson
AVP, Media Relations
[email protected]

Prior to the Show, visit BuildersShow.com for a preview of exhibitors. Exhibitor press kits will also be available online beginning on the first day of the show.

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