FEB 17-19, 2026 | ORLANDO, FL
FEB 17-19, 2026

Press Policies

Press Registration Policy
Policy Regarding Production Groups and Taping During Design & Construction Week
Policy on Videotaping During Design & Construction Week®
NAHB Zero-Tolerance Policy for On-Site Soliciting

Press Registration Policy

All press registrations will be reviewed and are subject to approval. Additional information or supporting verification may be required before press credentials will be provided. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) reserve the right to deny any press applicant if sufficient credentials are not provided.

Complimentary Press Credentials are issued only to qualified journalists working for media outlets relevant to the housing industry.

Non-Editorial/Paid Press Passes are issued to publishers, marketing/public relations staff, advertising/sponsor content, sales representatives, book authors/editors and other non-editorial employees of a media organization who plan to engage in any sales or marketing activities. Satellite media tours (paid or unpaid) are strictly prohibited.

NAHB/NKBA will accept the following to qualify for press credentials

Print & Online Media:

  • Current publication masthead listing you as an editorial contact and
  • A minimum of two bylined articles published within the last three months.

Freelancer Writers/Contributors:

  • Bylined article related to the housing industry that was published within six months prior to registration.
  • A minimum of three published articles within the last year in an accredited media outlet.


  • Letter or email from the news organization they are representing stating that they are on assignment to cover the show. Emails must come from the assigning editor's corporate email account or on company letterhead. Generic/personal email addresses will not be accepted.


  • The blog must be independently hosted and regularly updated with original and relevant housing/design news for a minimum of one year. Company branded blogs and those affiliated with a service, product or other type of business will not be considered.
  • The blogger must have posted a bylined industry news piece within three months prior to registering for DCW and be able to show a regular history bylined posts.


  • The podcast must be regularly updated with original and relevant housing/design news for a minimum of one year. Company branded podcasts and those affiliated with a service, product or other type of business will not be considered.

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Production Companies/Broadcast Media:

Production companies and other media looking to film at the show must pre-register as press and complete the filming application. Onsite registration is not available. Local network news crews are the exception to this rule and may register on site.

In-House Publication Employees:

In-house newsletter writers, book authors, book editors and publishers do not qualify as working press but can register as Non-Editorial/Paid Press.

Prohibited Activities:

  • Anyone requesting press credentials must disclose in advance whether they will be conducting any business other than reporting during Design & Construction Week. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Requesting/receiving any form of compensation in exchange for the promotion of products, goods or services at IBS or KBIS.
  • Discussing opportunities for exhibitors to advertise in the representing publication.
  • Conducting appointments between exhibitors and publication representatives for further on- or off-site business dealings.
  • Engaging in any sales, marketing or public relations capacity during the show.
  • Marketing, sales or production of satellite tours.
  • It is an inherent conflict for a journalist to perform public relations work, paid or unpaid.

Anyone found conducting non-approved activities without prior, written consent from NAHB and NKBA may have their credentials revoked.

Individuals solely engaged in sales, marketing or any type of "pay-for-play" activities, qualify as non-editorial press and must register for a Non-Editorial/Paid Press Pass for IBS or KBIS.

For any questions about press registration or about IBS, please contact Stephanie Pagan or Liz Thompson. For questions specific to KBIS, please contact [email protected].

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Policy on Videotaping During Design & Construction Week

General Policy:

For safety and legal reasons, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and Emerald Expositions, the show manager for KBIS, strictly limit taping at the International Builders’ Show and the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) during Design & Construction Week.

NAHB and Emerald Expositions require all video and production crews to request permission to record on either show floor, and to apply in advance as either a production company or a videography crew. On-site registration will not be available. Local network news crews are the exception to this rule and may register on site.

A media production company that is taping for a show in current production and booked to air on a recognized network or station must submit an application.

If you have been hired by an exhibitor to film in a booth, please contact Kelly Faist with any questions.

Producers scouting for a show or others who do not meet these qualifications must purchase Non-Editorial/Paid Press passes and may not bring camera equipment onto either show floor.

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Insurance Requirements:

All production companies and videography crews, at their sole cost and expense, must procure and maintain through the term of the 2025 Design & Construction Week, comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury and property damage occurring in or upon or resulting from any activities or persons on the premises leased by NAHB and/or Emerald Expositions. Such insurance shall include contractual liability and product liability coverage, with combined single limits of liability of no less than $1,000,000. In addition to submitting an application, all applicants must provide an original certificate of insurance from their insurance company or agent showing the required coverage and naming the National Association of Home Builders; its directors, officers, agents and employees; Emerald Expositions; its directors, officers, agents and employees; and the Las Vegas Convention Center as additional insureds from February 18 – March 1, 2025.

To apply:

  • Submit an application for a media production company requesting permission to record at the show.
  • Provide an original certificate of insurance from company’s insurance company or agent.
  • Submit a letter or email from the programming office of a recognized network or station detailing the assignment and stating that the production company is at the show to tape for a specific program. Emails should include air date, contact information and must be sent from a corporate email address. Generic/personal emails addresses will not be accepted.

Upon Approval:

  • NAHB/Emerald Expositions will notify all applicants if they have been approved to tape at the show and will provide final instructions for approved groups.
  • Approved production companies must register each employee as working press.
  • Each approved cameraman/crew will receive a camera permit to gain access to the show floor. These must be affixed to the camera in a visible manner at all times. No video camera will be allowed in the exhibit area without a properly displayed permit, and cameras without properly displayed permits will be asked to leave the show floor.
  • All crews must secure appropriate permission to tape in any booth before taping can begin. This includes the use of release forms. NAHB/Emerald Expositions hold the right to obtain all release forms if requested.
  • No other individuals other than approved crews will be permitted to carry a video camera into the exhibit area. NAHB and Emerald Expositions reserve the right to remove representatives of any production company from the show if they deem that the company or its representative(s) in any way violated stated policies and/or misrepresented itself or the nature of its business.
  • NAHB and Emerald Expositions furthermore reserve the right to confiscate all recordings taken inside any of the IBS or KBIS exhibit areas. Anyone removed from the show forfeits their right to any and all refunds. In no event will NAHB or Emerald Expositions be responsible or liable for the out-of-pocket expenditures or other commitments of the production company or. We reserve the right to modify this policy without public notice.

For additional information, please contact Stephanie Pagan or Liz Thompson.

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NAHB Zero-Tolerance Policy for On-Site Soliciting

IBS and KBIS have a zero-tolerance policy for on-site soliciting by attendees with complimentary working press credentials.

Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, marketing and sales of satellite tours and marketing and sales of ad space for any publication. Anyone found engaging in such behavior will be subject to having their working press credentials revoked immediately. NAHB and NKBA reserve the right to enforce the rules and policies as deemed appropriate. Enforcement of these rules and policies may result in the ejection from the premises.

Non-Editorial/Paid Press registration is available for marketing, public relations, advertising, sales, publishers, and other non-editorial employees who plan to engage in any sales or marketing activities.

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