Feb 25-27, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV
Feb 25-27, 2025

Using Contract and Law to Protect Your Assets

Sunday, February 23 | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Encore Hotel - Brahms 4

  • What It's About
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    What It's About

    Protect your business against legal problems with well-written contracts. Many construction or remodeling companies are too small to hire full-time legal staff so it's important to understand basic contract law. This course provides a step-by-step explanation of how contracts sustain positive customer and supplier relations, provide for resolution of disputes, and minimize the risk of litigation. You will learn about mandatory and optional provisions, warranties, and arbitration procedures. Special emphasis is given to troubleshooting contracts for detrimental positions.


    Picture of Colby Walter
    Keystone Construction & Developments, Inc.


    Registration Type
    IBS Expo-only, but additional purchase required
    Signature Group(s)
    Pre-show Course

    Continuing Education
    NAHB - 6.0 CE hour(s)

    How to Register

    Attendees must register separately for pre-show courses, which require an additional fee. If you are attending IBS, pre-show courses can be added during the IBS registration process. If you are not attending IBS, you can register online in advance for a pre-show course only. Registration for pre-show courses will close in advance of the show. See NAHB education courses for more information. Limited onsite registration may be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.


    NAHB Council Member Fee
    NAHB/NKBA Member Fee
    Non-Member Fee
    © 2024 National Association of Home Builders of the United States. All rights reserved.
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