Feb 25 - 27, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV
Feb 25 - 27, 2025

Rich Baker


Picture of Rich Baker

Rich Baker


IBACOS Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Rich has extensive experience in all aspects of design and construction, advanced building envelope design, energy analysis, systems integration design, forensic analysis and research into innovative construction technology. He works closely with many of the nation’s top production homebuilders to empower them to raise the bar on the quality and consistency of the homes that they build. In his current role, Rich collaborates with IBACOS’ homebuilder clients to proactively avoid risk and construction defects by helping them set, share and sustain their construction standards. Rich also leads the builder intelligence operations at IBACOS. In this capacity, he helps to identify practical, in-field applications for IBACOS’ innovation efforts, as well as identify local and national industry trends that IBACOS uses to guide builders in focusing their improvement efforts.

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