Michael Stone
Michael Stone
Bassenian Lagoni Newport Beach, California
Always having an interest and passion for designing things and understanding how they go together, Michael Stone has been with Bassenian Lagoni more than 10 years and has demonstrated a mastery of all building types. A licensed architect in multiple states, he is skilled interpreting housing in all its forms for home buyers at all life stages and oversees a team of designers to generate creative solutions to complex challenges. Having designed projects both domestically and internationally, Michael primarily focuses on working with clients throughout the United States. From individual custom homes to master planned communities, his careful attention to detail helps builders deliver homes offering the lifestyle buyers want at the forefront of market trends. In addition to his architecture degree, Michael also minored in both sustainable design and construction management. As a Vice President and Senior Designer with Bassenian Lagoni, Michael is active in the home building industry, lending his talents to committees and boards at the local, state and national level.
Where you can find Michael Stone during IBS:
Design Unleashed: A Cross-Country Tour of National & Regional Home Trends
Flexible Floorplans in 2500 Square Feet or Less
Flexible Floorplans in 2500 Square Feet or Less [ENCORE]