FEB 17-19, 2026 | ORLANDO, FL
FEB 17-19, 2026

Sales Central Sponsorship

Sales Central is the place where custom builders, developers, and remodelers come together with sales managers, marketing directors, sales and marketing consultants, real estate agents, and others in the marketing business. Sales Central is where they can focus on the questions, issues, strategies, and trends unique to residential sales and marketing. In 2024, the Sales Central received 1697 unique visitors, who accounted for 4374 total visits during the three days of the Show.

Contact Robin Habberley at 202-266-8051 or [email protected] for more information.

Sponsorship Includes:

  • Opportunity to participate in sessions/roundtables with top names in residential sales and marketing.
  • Access to different events, some including hospitality.
  • Opportunity to network, do business with, gain insight from and form partnerships with the best minds in new home sales and marketing.
  • Complimentary IBS registrations.

Promotional Investment: $10,000 - $40,000

Interested In A Sponsorship Opportunity? Contact Us!
Lynn Margiotta
VP, Business Development
Custom Packages for IBS and Production Builders Executive Club
Exhibiting Companies: Key Accounts
P: (202) 266-8685
M: (202) 253-7143
[email protected]
Robin Habberley
Director, Business Development
Design Central, Sales Central, Multifamily Central, The Nationals Awards, and Best in American Living Awards
P: (202) 266-8051
M: (202) 615-3909
[email protected]
Cheryl Lewis
Manager, Business Development
Craft Techniques Zone, Construction Performance Zone, Building Science Symposium (Pre-Show), Remodeling Central, and Building Systems Council Lounge
Exhibiting Companies: #, A-F
P: (202) 266-8208
[email protected]

Kim Friedman
Manager, Business Development
Professional Women in Building, ProConnect, and Pre-Show Planner
Exhibiting Companies: G-O
P: (202) 266-8059
M: (317) 340-4702
[email protected]

Michael Sutton
Senior Manager, Business Development
Video Production Needs, Custom Building Central, 55+ Central, Student Chapters/Workforce
Exhibiting Companies: P-Z
P: (202) 266-8690
M: (240) 426-3994
[email protected]

Brian Rosenthal
Senior Manager, Sponsorship Operations
New Product Zone and Sponsorship Operations
P: (202) 266-8188
[email protected]

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