FEB 25 - 27, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV
FEB 25 - 27, 2025

Exhibitor Webinar Series

Exhibitor Webinar 1: Design to Attract

Recorded on October 19 | Log in to the Exhibitor Portal to watch the replay.

Does your booth have the "attractor factor"? You don't need to have the biggest booth to become a magnet for attendees. Too many exhibitors start by simply putting objects together to create a display, which doesn't necessarily result in a successful exhibit. Instead, determine how all elements of your plan will tie together, then use design elements to accomplish your strategic goals.

Led by exhibit marketing expert Marlys Arnold, you'll discover the secrets of a well-designed booth. Whether you're an exhibiting novice or long-time veteran, you'll gain tips for exhibit design to improve your results. You'll walk away with practical applications and tools you can use immediately to raise your level of success on the show floor.

Exhibitor Webinar 2: Creative Promotions – Maximize Your Impact

Recorded on December 14 | Log in to the Exhibitor Portal to watch the replay.

Just because you built a great booth doesn't mean the crowds will automatically come. And don't assume that it's the show organizer's job to bring in all the traffic. Promotions can take many forms and don't have to cost a fortune – they just need to be effective at creating buzz.

In this session, exhibit marketing expert Marlys Arnold will share tips to stand out on the show floor by using tools including pre-show promotions, sponsorships, media relations, in-booth attractions and social media and other online tools.

Combine these promotional efforts with a well-designed booth and a well-trained booth staff, and you'll be creating a memorable image for your company!

Exhibitor Webinar 3: Power Up Your Booth

Recorded on January 11 | Log in to the Exhibitor Portal to watch the replay.

No matter how great your display, the real power of an exhibit comes from the people chosen to staff your booth. A poorly trained or unprepared booth staff can spoil an otherwise successful exhibit marketing plan and contradict the impression your company has worked hard to create.

In this webinar, trade show marketing expert Marlys Arnold, shares tips for:

  • Understanding the basics of in-booth behavior (and what to avoid)
  • Ensuring your staff is authentic and approachable
  • Recognizing basic personality types and how to relate to them
  • Qualifying visitors who come to your booth
  • Collecting and managing quality leads

Once your team understands how to effectively communicate with attendees and you have an efficient system for managing the leads gathered, you'll be amazed at your results!

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