FEB 17-19, 2026 | ORLANDO, FL
FEB 17-19, 2026

Design Central Sponsorship

The Design Central offers engagement opportunities with the powerful design niche within the home building industry—the specifiers. Your company will capture crucial mind share with residential design professionals. You’ll meet an audience of professionals that specify products—architects, designers, interior designers, design/build firms, custom builders and others who all share a passion for excellent design. All programming and events in The Design Central have been developed with these professionals in mind and will provide multiple touch point opportunities. In 2024, the Design Central received 2104 unique visitors, who accounted for 5057 total visits during the three days of the Show.

The IBS “Design Trends” education has always been among the most popular and The Design Central provides a place for these participants to network, participate in interactive activities, recharge and refresh.

Please contact Robin Habberley at (202) 266-8051 or [email protected] for more information.

Sponsorship Includes (different levels include different benefits):

  • Opportunity to present a workshop
  • Signage and recognition at breakfasts, lunches or receptions
  • Sponsor recognition on BuildersShow.com and NAHB.org
  • Ability to sponsor special events and activities during the Show
  • Complimentary IBS registrations
  • Post-IBS Design Central attendee list

Promotional Investment: $5,000 - $50,000

Interested In A Sponsorship Opportunity? Contact Us!
Lynn Margiotta
VP, Business Development
Custom Packages for IBS and Production Builders Executive Club
Exhibiting Companies: Key Accounts
P: (202) 266-8685
M: (202) 253-7143
[email protected]
Robin Habberley
Director, Business Development
Design Central, Sales Central, Multifamily Central, The Nationals Awards, and Best in American Living Awards
P: (202) 266-8051
M: (202) 615-3909
[email protected]
Cheryl Lewis
Manager, Business Development
Craft Techniques Zone, Construction Performance Zone, Building Science Symposium (Pre-Show), Remodeling Central, and Building Systems Council Lounge
Exhibiting Companies: #, A-F
P: (202) 266-8208
[email protected]

Kim Friedman
Manager, Business Development
Professional Women in Building, ProConnect, and Pre-Show Planner
Exhibiting Companies: G-O
P: (202) 266-8059
M: (317) 340-4702
[email protected]

Michael Sutton
Senior Manager, Business Development
Video Production Needs, Custom Building Central, 55+ Central, Student Chapters/Workforce
Exhibiting Companies: P-Z
P: (202) 266-8690
M: (240) 426-3994
[email protected]

Brian Rosenthal
Senior Manager, Sponsorship Operations
New Product Zone and Sponsorship Operations
P: (202) 266-8188
[email protected]

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