FEB 17-19, 2026 | ORLANDO, FL
FEB 17-19, 2026

Buildersshow.com Floor Plan Sponsorship

Reach thousands who will use the online IBS floor plan to find exhibitors at the Show! Each exhibit hall has its own floor plan (Central Hall, South Hall, West Hall, Outdoor Exhibits). Your company can be featured on the floor plan where your exhibit booth is located. This is a great way to stand out!

Sponsor Benefits:

  • Your company's logo is displayed on the floor plan.
    • When the logo is clicked, a window opens with your virtual booth info (address, contact info, and website).
  • The 'Find Your Booth' button zooms into your booth's location on the floor plan.
  • Name, logo, and booth number are featured at the top of the Exhibitor List search pane.

Price is $2,000 each. Limited to four (4) sponsors per floor plan.

Interested In A Sponsorship Opportunity? Contact Us!
Lynn Margiotta
VP, Business Development
Custom Packages for IBS and Production Builders Executive Club
Exhibiting Companies: Key Accounts
P: (202) 266-8685
M: (202) 253-7143
[email protected]
Robin Habberley
Director, Business Development
Design Central, Sales Central, Multifamily Central, The Nationals Awards, and Best in American Living Awards
P: (202) 266-8051
M: (202) 615-3909
[email protected]
Cheryl Lewis
Manager, Business Development
Craft Techniques Zone, Construction Performance Zone, Building Science Symposium (Pre-Show), Remodeling Central, and Building Systems Council Lounge
Exhibiting Companies: #, A-F
P: (202) 266-8208
[email protected]

Kim Friedman
Manager, Business Development
Professional Women in Building, ProConnect, and Pre-Show Planner
Exhibiting Companies: G-O
P: (202) 266-8059
M: (317) 340-4702
[email protected]

Michael Sutton
Senior Manager, Business Development
Video Production Needs, Custom Building Central, 55+ Central, Student Chapters/Workforce
Exhibiting Companies: P-Z
P: (202) 266-8690
M: (240) 426-3994
[email protected]

Brian Rosenthal
Senior Manager, Sponsorship Operations
New Product Zone and Sponsorship Operations
P: (202) 266-8188
[email protected]

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