Ken Semler

Ken Semler
Impresa Modular Martinsburg, West Virginia
Ken provides strategic vision and leadership to a nationwide construction company that focuses on offsite modular construction. He is passionate about the offsite construction industry. He has over 25 years of experience in construction, has written over 200 articles on offsite modular construction and is a licensed/registered/certified contractor in 42 states. Ken takes a leadership role in his support of offsite construction. He is the 2024 Chair of the NAHB’s Building Systems Councils and has been honored with the S.A. Walters Award for Lifetime Achievement in Systems Built Housing. He is the 2023/2024 President of the Modular Home Builders Association. In addition, Ken is the publisher of the industry's only dedicated periodical: Offsite Builder Magazine. Ken is sought after for his writing, presentations, and podcasts on the offsite construction industry which can be accessed through Ken enjoys sharing his enthusiasm and excitement with others that want to participate in the industry’s growth and in construction innovation.
Where you can find Ken Semler during IBS:
Build Workforce Housing in Your Community with Modular Construction
Shop Talk: Modular Construction for Custom Built Homes