Feb 25 - 27, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV
Feb 25 - 27, 2025

Avoiding Profit Killing Call-Backs & Poor Performing Homes

Wednesday, February 28 | 10:15 - 11:15 AM
LVCC - West 229

  • What It's About
  • What You'll Learn
  • How to Attend
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    What It's About

    Success in home building comes down to the amount of profit that stays in your pocket. but that can change even after you turn over the keys. The secret to maximizing your bottom line depends on how well you control your call-back costs. This session will explore the biggest mistakes that designers, builders and trade contractors make that lead to expensive call-backs and poor performing homes—and how to overcome them. Through images and first-hand experiences from job site evaluations, you’ll get a look at problems and solutions related to building enclosures, water and moisture issues, as well as HVAC mistakes that lead to poor energy performance, comfort and IAQ issues.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Identify the top mistakes designers and contractors make that lead to costly call backs.
    • Explore methods for detailing and installing exterior insulation to avoid OSB rot and maintain building durability.
    • Understand best practices for integrating new low profile rain screens systems.
    • Learn how to properly flash windows and doors to meet new code requirements for continuous exterior insulation and optimal water management.

    How to Attend

    Participants must be registered for an Expo + Education pass. Seating for sessions will be on a first-come, first-served basis.


    Picture of Steve Easley
    Steve Easley & Associates L.L.C.


    Registration Type
    Expo+Education Pass
    Building Techniques & Strategies
    Building Knowledge Session
    Who Should Attend
    Single Family Builders - All Types

    Continuing Education
    NAHB - 1.00 CE hour(s)
    NKBA - 0.100 CEU(s)
    AIA – 1.0 LU Hour(s)
    © 2024 National Association of Home Builders of the United States. All rights reserved.
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